Beatrice and Donald E. Leffler Award

Beatrice and Donald E. Leffler Award

The Beatrice and Donald E. Leffler Award recognizes students who are preparing for a career in elementary education. It honors the memory of faculty member Donald Leffler and his wife Beatrice. An associate professor emeritus, Mr. Leffler served on the SUNY Brockport faculty for 27 years from 1958 to 1983, first teaching physics and then as director of advisement.

He served as one of seven Brockport faculty who produced 14 educational television programs for the Rochester Area Educational Television Association in the 1960s. RAETA showed the programs the group produced for third- to sixth-grade students on commercial television.

In addition to teaching, Mr. Leffler participated with campus theatrical productions as an actor and lighting manager.

This award honors Mr. Leffler’s commitment to the education profession and the teaching of science by recognizing an incoming freshman student who has excellent grades and has had success in mastering science and math at the high school level. This award is renewable for all four years if the student maintains a specified grade point average and applies for the teacher certification program.