Elmer J. and Fay Gallup Cloutier

Elmer J. and Fay Gallup Cloutier

Dr. Elmer J. Cloutier was a professor of biology at the College at Brockport from 1967 to 1981. He earned both his undergraduate degrees from the University of Notre Dame and his PHD from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. At Brockport, Dr. Cloutier was a member of the Faculty Senate and its committee to develop a core curriculum. He also was the author of several articles in peer-reviewed publications; two still being cited.

Fay Gallup enlisted in the US Women Marines and served in communications at Camp Lejeune, NC during WWII. Employed in Minneapolis after the war, she met Elmer who was teaching at St. Anselm College in NH. They married and Fay was the first woman to receive a degree from St. Anselm. Ms. Cloutier was a charter member of the NY State Women’s Political Caucus and was elected and served as an officer for two terms on the NY State board of Common Cause.

Politically active for the advancement of all rights, Dr. and Ms. Cloutier shared a life with deep commitment to civil and women’s rights, Amnesty International, Vote Smart political reform and education, etc. Dr. Cloutier died in 1981 and Fay in 2023 a few weeks shy of 102.

The Cloutiers initially established a scholarship to recognize outstanding student performance in cellular-organismic biology and in the development of research techniques for conducting research in the subject. The scholarship is an honor to both parents as their individual accomplishments were strengthened through a lifetime of mutual love and support.
