Robert E. Hall Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics

This scholarship recognizes an outstanding mathematics major, at the undergraduate or graduate level, who demonstrates academic excellence in the realm of abstract algebra and the use of computers in support of the mathematics major. Eligible applicants will have at least a 3.25 overall GPA, completed a minimum of 12 credit hours in the mathematics major at SUNY Brockport, and who has received a grade of “A” in Modern Algebra. Preference will be given to a student who has a special strength in abstract algebra and who has shown a commitment to the use of computers in mathematics, as judged by the scholarship selection committee.

This is an Auto-Match Opportunity. Applicants are auto-matched to this award based on their submission of their General Application.

The financial assistance is in the form of a check if the recipient is a graduate of SUNY Brockport before the fall semester of the award period. If the recipient is not a graduate by the start of the fall semester of the award period, the financial assistance will be credited to the recipient’s bill during the semester(s) of the award period and the student must use this award for educational expenses at the College.

Mathematics Opportunities, School of Arts and Sciences Opportunities, STEM Opportunities