All Department of English Scholarships Application

Apply using this application to be considered for all Department of English scholarships. This one application provides the applicant multiple scholarship considerations if they are eligible based on the eligibility and criteria of each scholarship below. You can view their eligibility by looking at each opportunity’s description in AcademicWorks. The following scholarships provide financial assistance to Brockport students who are in the Department of English at SUNY Brockport:
*Blaine M. DeLancey Memorial Award
*Warren Morgan Memorial Award in English
*Calvin Rich/English Club Student Poetry Award
*Ingersoll Family Endowment
*Harvey A. Dorfman ’57 Scholarship
*Ruth Donahue Maurer ’53 Scholarship
*Harry B. Boutet Scholarship – The scholarship selection committee rotates between the Department of English (spring 2022 for 2022-2023) and the Department of Communication (spring 2023 for 2023-2024).
*Curran Family Scholarship

English majors should also consider the Jacques and Dawn Lipson Award in Visual, Performing or Creative Arts Opportunity. This Award is open to english majors and is The Lipson Award is a separate “apply-to” opportunity in this scholarship portal.

English Opportunities, School of Arts and Sciences Opportunities, Teacher Certification / Future Educators Opportunities
Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you have at least one full year of academic study left at SUNY Brockport?
  2. (Mandatory) Have you successfully completed SPN 212 or the current course equivalent, and/or possess a SPN Certificate, and/or are bilingual?
  3. (Mandatory) English Teacher Certification Questions (If you are not seeking teacher certification type "N/A" or select "No".)
    • Are you seeking a career as a teacher?
    • As part of your current program, at what level will you be certified to teach in?
    • Have you been accepted into the Teacher Certification program by the Department of Education?
    • In what Teacher Certification Program are you accept in or seeking to be accepted in?
  4. (Mandatory) Are you currently married?
  5. (Optional) Please submit at least 50 and no more than 100 lines of original poetry (in order to be considered for the Calvin Rich/English Club Student Poetry Award).
  6. (Optional) To be considered for the Blaine M. Delancey Memorial Award, please submit an essay you are most proud of that you have already completed for an English course. (PDF, DOC, or DOCX files only)
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